How many eggs should your baby eat?

We all know how nutritious eggs are for our bodies. They are a great source of proteins, fat and minerals. Eggs are readily available and affordable and most importantly versatile as you can prepare in many different ways. However, when it comes to introducing eggs to our babies, we are anxious and a bit hesitant. Personally, I was worried about allergies. I was worried that eggs have high content of proteins that would trigger the eczema. I wasn’t sure of how much egg to give, which part of the egg (Yolk or egg white) and even how to serve it especially when the baby was months old.

Let’s dig into the benefits that comes with serving eggs to your baby:

  1. High Protein Value: Egg are a rich source of proteins.  Protein helps are body building foods that helps in cell creation and energy that a baby needs for daily activities. One egg contains an approximately 6.3g of proteins.
  2. High in Iron: Iron is required for maintenance of healthy blood cells, boosting a child’s growth and providing oxygen to every part of the body. One eggs contains 1.75mg of iron.
  3. Good Brain Development: Eggs contain choline, which in turn help kids in their brain development. Choline helps in boosting learning process and memory, which is an essential part of a child’s growth.
  4. Better Immunity: Eggs contain selenium and zinc, which help in boosting the immune system of a child. Selenium creates free radicals which help in killing harmful bacteria and zinc helps in maintaining the good cells that fight the microorganisms. In total, one eggs contains 0.2g of minerals.
  5. Great Source of VitaminsEggs contain all types of vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, K, E and also Vitamin B-6 and B-12. Eggs also contain folate, riboflavin, and niacin. All these vitamins help in one way or the other in a child’s growth. Like, Vitamin D is good for bone strength; Vitamin A is known to be good for eyes, vitamin B-6 for boosting brain development and B12 for plummeting.
  6. The Right Balance of Fats: Eggs contain the right balance of both the saturated and the unsaturated fats, which in turn makes it a perfect food item for kids. Eggs can be provided to kids without any risk but try serving boiled eggs for kids rather than the fried ones.
  7. Good Cell Maintenance: Eggs contain iron, folate, and protein which all together help in maintaining good cell count, boosts body’s ability to create and recreate cells and also helps in maintaining good cell health.
  8. Easily Digestible: As eggs contain the right balance of fats, it helps in better digestion in kids. Better digestion is important in kids as their system is still in the development phase. Egg Yolk is easier to digest than egg white hence more suitable for children under one year or when introducing eggs.
  9. Good Eye Health: Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin which helps in sustaining good eyesight and also helps in safeguarding eyes against the harmful UV rays.
  10. Less Sugar Content: Eggs are known to be free of sugar and thus, is a delicious option that helps in reducing sugar content in the blood system.

When can you introduce eggs to your baby?

As I have told you before, proteins should be introduced from 7 months of age. I have also emphasis on the need for introducing plant proteins like beans, peas, lentils etc first before the animal proteins as they are easy to digest. As such, eggs can be introduced from 8 months of age. Remember the three days rule. When you introduce eggs, avoid introducing another new food to observe any allergies. Discontinue in case of any reaction.

How many eggs per week?

Research has shown that excessive consumption of eggs leads to cardiovascular diseases. To be on the safer and healthier side, do not exceed two eggs per week for babies under three years.

Egg yolk or egg white?

The white part of the egg contains four proteins that could cause an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction from egg yolk is extremely rare. As I mentioned earlier, egg yolk is easily digestible and hence suitable for children under one year.

Precautions to Take while Giving Eggs to Kids

  • Serve only fresh eggs– To determine if the egg is fresh, dip it in plain water. Fresh egg sink while spoilt egg float.
  • Fully cook or boil the egg before serving to a kid-You should NEVER EVER GIVE UNCOOKED EGGS to your baby. Uncooked eggs carry a risk of salmonella poisoning which babies may not overcome.
  • Discontinue in case of allergies. If you notice any weird change after consuming egg, do not give again. Break for a month before reintroducing.

Coming up next week: simple recipes for serving eggs that your baby will love! Like and follow my page on Facebook, twitter and Instagram to stay updated. Would you like to receive such informative posts in your email? Subscribe below for weekly content.

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