Welcome To Wowmom Kenya

Creating Cities Where Children Grow, Learn and Thrive

Wow Mom is a social enterprise that advocates for children friendly cities by bringing to attention policies and plans that plaque children in cities .

What We Do

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

We believe that children are part of human race and deserve dignity. We champion for inclusion of children in Toilet matters through provision of baby changing facilities in public spaces, design of child-friendly pit latrines and hand washing practices among children and caregivers.



 We work with industry best nutritionists and lactation experts to educate parents on when to feed, what to feed and how to feed. We offer breastfeeding support from the first latch and complimentary feeding guides from the first meal.  

Children Friendly Cities

We believe that if a city is great for a 3 year old, it’s great for everyone! Children constitute a third of the current urban population. By 2050, 70% of world children will live in cities. We are creating cities where children grow, learn and thrive!

Child Safety

They say, Home is where the heart is. So is HURT! We work with industry best paramedics   to equip caregivers with the knowledge, skills and confidence to care for their children incase of accidents at home.


We installed the first Baby Changing Station! Have a look

They say a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step!  We are so happy to finally start this journey of transforming the lives of our children and caregivers by  increasing access of of baby changing stations in public spaces in Nairobi Kenya. Our very first baby changing station was installed in the baby center in Quarry Market in Gikomba, Nairobi Kenya. Our baby changing stations easy to operate, comfortable, easy to clean, and provide ultimate safety for the baby during a diaper change. We have also provided a diaper disposal bin that will ensure that diapers are safely disposed of. The future is bright and we look forward to increasing the access of baby changing stations not only in Nairobi, but across the country.  While this is a grain of sand in the ocean, we are grateful to spearhead this initiative and can’t wait to scale and make more impact.
Before the installation of our baby changing station, mothers were changing their babies’ diapers on cold floors or improvised carton boxes. These are mothers who have to bring their babies to work daily because they can not afford the high cost of child care. While the baby changing station provide comfort and dignity of children during the diaper change, mothers still have to use carton boxes to put their babies to sleep during the day. This has caused persistent flus among children increasing the cost of money spent in Hospitals. We believe that every child deserves dignity. We will continue to improve the baby center to be comfortable, child friendly and to promote play and learning for the children in the coming weeks. You are welcome to support us in this great initiative that will not only improve the lives of children but also enable mothers to contribute to economic growth of this county. 

Our Partners & Donors

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