Hello… on today’s series of First Aid Tuesdays, I would like us to talk about some of the most frightening incident that you could ever experience with your child especially the first time. Has your child or ever seen someone with convulsions/ Seizures? 10% of the population are at risk of experiencing a seizure during their lifetime, while 3-4% will go on to be diagnosed with epilepsy. I hope and pray that you will not be among the 10%. However, its important we equip ourselves with skills needed incase seizure happens.
In babies, seizure are attributed by high temperatures caused by an infection. The seizure occurs because the electrical system in their brains is not developed enough to deal with such high temperatures.
Signs and symptoms of Seizure
- Vigorous shaking with clenched fists and an arched back
- Signs of fever – hot, flushed skin, and sweating
- Twitching of their face and squinting, fixed or upturned eyes
- Holding their breath, with a red, puffy face and neck, and drooling at the mouth
- Possible vomiting
- Loss of control of their bowel or bladder
- Reduced response
What do you do when your baby has seizure?
- Put pillows around them: This is to protect your baby from hurting themselves, but don’t restrain them or try to move them. Clear away any dangerous objects and put pillows or soft padding around them to prevent injury.
- Cool them down: when the seizure has stopped, remove any excess clothing or bedding, or open a window. Take care not to cool them down too much.
- Put them into the recovery position: hold your baby in your arms, cradling them towards you with their head tilted downwards. (Do you know this position?)
- Call 999/112 for an ambulance- You need to have your baby checked on the cause of seizure.
- Reassure them and keep them calm.
- While you wait for the ambulance check their breathing, pulse and whether they can respond to you. In case they are not responding and have difficulties in breathing, perform CPR to resuscitate breathing.
Are you choking ready? Here is how you manage chocking
The bottom line is to remain calm and take action. The seizures are terrifying but can be managed. DO NOT force anything into the mouth and make sure that the airways are open. In case of injury, treat the injury after recovery.
I hope this was helpful. For more first aid, like and follow my Facebook page for a new skill every Tuesday for free. Feel free to share the article and save lives.